how to lose weight fast

  1. how to lose weigh fast 
The Hidden Truth About Cardio How your daily gut busting routine may actually be preventing weight loss and pushing you closer to death In western cultures like ours, countries like the U.S., UK, Australia, Canada and other European nations, what’s the first thing that anybody thinks of or tells you whenever the idea of weight loss is brought up? You’ve got to hit the treadmill, exercise bike or the streets and burn those calories! On the surface of it, this makes sense, right? After all, you’re doing a lot of work and you’re sweating and breathing heavy. Surely running a few miles every day must be dissolving those unsightly LB’s like crazy, right? Would you be surprised to hear that this is actually wrong? No, I’m not crazy – let me lay it out for you… Yes, cardio does burn calories, it’s true. And yes, some cardio is good for you. Light cardio promotes a healthy heart and increases your endurance. On the other hand, though… heavy cardio actually begins to have the opposite effects. Before I get into why, let me give you a simple but common sense example. Imagine pre-historic Man. These men and women are running around the Paleolithic world chasing down antelope, red deer, aurox, bison and the occasional wooly mammoth. Most of their diet comes from animal protein and what edible plants they can scrounge. Well, if cardio was so great for losing weight, these people would simply starve to death while running down their food. All that cardio would burn through their energy reserves faster than they could replace them. Yet they didn’t starve to death… why? For one thing, a lot of heavy cardio is hard on your knees and feet. Second, it’s also hard on the heart. Too much cardio actually begins to add scar tissue to your heart and increases your rate of heart attack. We didn’t realize that for a while until many scientific studies were done on the subject. As for losing weight, excessive cardio actually has the reverse effect and here’s why. Our bodies are genetically designed to survive. Our body’s job is to store energy as fuel both for its immediate use and in the form of fat for those times when food is scarce. In modern times, of course, food isn’t really scarce, so this built in safety feature is rarely needed. However, when you deprive your body of the nutrients it requires, either by starving yourself on some crazy diet or by over-taxing your body with lots of cardio, it begins to switch into survival mode. Additionally, and unfortunately with heavy cardio, your body also becomes anabolic. This means that it begins to burn the most effective source of energy first – and that’s not fat… it’s your muscle. Take a good look at some of these chronic long distance runners who compete. Many of them are kind of stringy looking and have to pack in the carbs just to maintain their muscle mass. You want your body to burn fat, not muscle, obviously. It’s not really about calories, as many diets and so-called fitness gurus try to make you believe. Calories are only a means of measuring food energy. Yes, if you want to lose weight, you must take in less calories than you consume, yet there’s so much more to it than that. The biggest secret to weight loss isn’t running 10 miles every day, starving yourself or even avoiding some of your favorite carbs, believe it or not. In fact, if you’re going to lose weight properly, it’s actually important that you do eat some of your favorite foods! I know that sounds crazy, too – but it’s absolutely true, and I can prove it to you! If you know how to use your body’s natural processes to your advantage, it’s entirely possible to lose 10, 20 or even 30+ pounds in a single month without starvation diets, gut wrenching cardio, ridiculous workouts and eating anything gross! It’s true and I can show you the science to prove it! Want to know more about dropping some stubborn LB’s right away? Then click this link and I’ll show you a video that’ll explain how and show you the science backed by independent clinical studies to prove it.… no matter how many pills, potions or diets meal plans you try. 

As Dr. Sandra Aamodt - a TED Speaker, author and Yale University neuroscientist recently explained:

Dr. Aamodt calls these brain signals “starvation alerts.”

And these starvation alerts are an ancient survival mechanism from way back when food was scarce and our bodies needed to store excess fat.

However, nowadays, these brain signals are simply wrecking your chances of ever getting the slim, toned and fat-free body of your dreams.

This is why the first few days of a new diet often seem easy.

This is why you can drop 2 or 3 pounds relatively quickly… but THEN it gets harder and harder to eliminate that remaining fat.

You see, at first, you’re still within your “set body weight.”

But, the moment you try to escape this range? Your brain instantly triggers these “starvation alerts” and you’re hit with uncontrollable cravings and an insatiable need for fatty, salty, sugary foods.

So, I want you to know…

  • … if you’ve ever felt guilty for snacking.
  • … if you’ve ever felt like a failure for quitting a diet.
  • … if you’ve ever felt like it’s impossible to lose more than a few pounds…

It’s Not Your Fault!

The odds were stacked against you before you even started.

However, here’s the good news...

Thanks to a neurological breakthrough in the science of fat loss, you can now stop your brain from sabotaging your success...

… by using a simple brain “hack” that finally sheds the excess weight clinging to your belly.

Imagine catching your reflection in the mirror…

… and seeing a slimmer, healthier, happier you staring back.

Smiling as you admire your thin hips, flat tummy and toned tush...

Laughing as you see another ½ pound of fat drop off the bathroom scales every morning.

Feeling confident, sexy and empowered as your friends and family gush over your transformation… jealously begging for your secret.

No more uncontrollable cravings pulling you towards the refrigerator...

No more feeling fat, foggy and fatigued, lacking the energy to get through the day…

No more feeling unwanted, unloved and unattractive...

… instead, YOU’LL be the one attracting all the attention. 

Sound impossible? It’s not.

Let me show you how this neurological hack is already proven to work for hundreds of others just like you. 

Like T. Martin, from Georgia USA, who said...

Or, E. Harris, from Canberra, Australia who emailed to tell me...

Or, S. Davis from Florida, USA whose doctor recommended this neurological hack...

And, I believe it will work for you too.

In fact, I’m so confident this neuro-slimming method will finally help you lose the unwanted pounds and inches clinging to your waist that I’m going to… 
Guarantee It Will Work!

I’ll tell you more about that in just a moment, but first…

I must warn you, this method is unlike anything you’ve ever seen, heard or tried before.

It will probably fly in the face of everything you’ve ever been taught about losing weight and keeping it off, because… 
  • You don’t need to count calories.
  • You don’t need to sweat bullets on a treadmill.
  • You don’t need to waste money on another “magic” pill.
  • You don’t need the self-discipline of a Navy SEAL.
And even though you won’t be dieting, exercising or giving up your favorite foods - a study published in The Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology showed this method was 30-times MORE effective for burning fat.

And another carefully controlled study monitoring 109 participants over a 2-year period, highlighted that this methodcaused continued, long-term weight loss.

Which means you’ll be enjoying your new, slim and sexy figure well into your 40’s, 50’s and beyond.

But remember, losing weight isn’t just about looking and feeling great…

… because as the pounds fall off you’ll also experience dozens of positive side-effects like: 
Lower cholesterol; more stable blood sugar; less joint pain; a reduced risk of stroke, heart disease and type 2 diabetes.

So if you’re sick to death of miracle pills and fad diets that never deliver real results…

… and if you’re finally ready to drop 20 or 30 pounds - almost effortlessly - and get the skinny figure you deserve… this neurological hack may change your life forever - just like it already has for hundreds of others.

Now, although this method is still relatively unknown, in the UK it’s quickly building an underground movement of raving fans, including many celebrities.

Singers Lily Allen and Geri Halliwell, comedian Helen Lederer, model Sophie Dahl and TV Star Gemma Collins have all been praising it for how quickly it helped them lose unwanted fat.

Here in the US, Dr. Oz was left stunned when a woman on his show lost 7 pounds just 5 days using this neuro-slim method. 

And one of the UK’s top-selling newspapers recently featured the remarkable story of Andrea Lindsay who lost an insane 49 pounds… … even after every fad diet, exercise routine and pill had failed her.

So what’s the secret behind such dramatic fat loss for everyone from famous celebs to busy Moms?

It’s a unique form of hypnotherapy that emulates a $25,000 surgical procedure.

How does it work?

Amazingly, by instantly “reprogramming” your brain so that you… 
  • Stop overeating or having to count calories.
  • Stop craving fatty and sugary foods.
  • Stop uncontrollable emotional binge eating.
  • Stop needing to rely on willpower for weight loss.
In other words, you can finally START shedding the ugly, unwanted pounds and inches from your waist, hips and thighs…

… without hours of exercise, counting calories or sacrificing your favorite foods.

In fact, this ‘procedure’ is so effective it’s almost like… 
Your Body Is Programmed To Lose Every
Last Pound of Fat!

Now - if you’re anything like I was - and you’re a little skeptical about hypnosis…

… recent research from Stanford Medical School - (that was published in the Cerebral Cortex Journal) - has now proven hypnosis produces real changes in your neurochemistry.

Dr. David. Spiegel - Stanford’s associate chair of psychiatry and behavioral sciences - reported:

“Hypnosis is the oldest Western form of psychotherapy, but it’s been tarred with the brush of dangling watches and purple capes. It’s a very powerful means of changing the way we use our minds to control perception and our bodies.”

Yet, the most exciting research comes from hypnosis being put “head to head” against traditional weight loss methods such as dieting, calorie restriction and exercise.

One breakthrough study published in The Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology found overweight participants using hypnotherapy… 
More Than Doubled Their Weight Loss!

And, researchers from The University of Connecticut found subjects using hypnotherapy lost more weight than 90% of a control group.

However, there’s a slight catch:
Not All Weight Loss Hypnotherapy is Equal…

Often, hypnotists will simply try to change your relationship with food. And while this can be effective… it’s missing ONE fundamental factor.

And that’s the simple fact your brain is still going to trigger “starvation alerts” and sabotage your success.

So if you’ve ever tried hypnosis before and were let down… now you know why.

If you want to rid yourself of stubborn, ugly fat and keep it off for good, there is only ONE form of hypnosis you need. It’s called: 
Gastric Band Hypnotherapy.

Gastric Band Hypnotherapy works by convincing your subconscious mind your body has been through a $25,000 Gastric Banding Surgical Procedure.

Incredible, isn’t it?

Just ONE session and you’ll begin to notice… 
  • … your appetite is reduced.
  • … you feel fuller faster.
  • … you eat less.
And because your brain starts to believe your stomach is actually smaller…
  • … you’ll no longer feel hungry or low energy.
  • … you don’t have to fight off nagging cravings.
  • … those pesky starvation alerts simply cannot wreck your weight loss efforts.
  • … and you’ll eliminate emotional, binge eating.
Best of all, unlike restrictive dieting, it doesn’t complicate your lifestyle, it doesn’t require any extra time or effort and it’s 100% private.

Here’s how Gastric Banding works in the real world: 

By placing a small silicone band at the top of your stomach, you create two smaller pouches.

As you eat, the top pouch quickly fills up, signaling to your brain that you are full and don’t need any more food. This means, even though you’re eating less, you won’t feel hungry.

In fact, you’ll feel completely full and totally satisfied.

Now, although Gastric Banding is one of the most effective ways to lose weight - with over 196,000 Americans undergoing the surgery every year…

… it can cost upwards of $25,000.

And then, of course, there’s the pain, discomfort and risk of complications with the surgical procedure itself. 

So here’s the great news

You no longer have to go through painful surgery, take time off work or rack up eye-watering amounts of debt to get the very same life-changing, weight loss results.

Because amazingly, a brand new hypnotic technique is delivering the same fast fat loss results as $25,000 worth of surgery!
Here’s how it works

When your mind is fully relaxed under hypnosis, your conscious mind takes a “back seat”, allowing a hypnotherapist to communicate directly with your subconscious.

The subconscious is the part of your mind that controls your habits, behaviors and actions.

Now, when your conscious mind is switched off, you can instantly have new beliefs “programmed”... without them being rejected by the rational part of your brain.

And, as you saw earlier, scientists from Stanford have proven hypnosis triggers real neurological changes.

Which is why it’s now possible for a hypnotherapistsa hypnotherapist to deliver the same lasting results as a $25,000 Gastric Band Surgical procedure.

Just take a look at how S. Davis’ behavioursbehaviors and habits changed instantly after undergoing Gastric Band Hypnotherapy…

“I no longer crave comfort foods. I eat until I am no longer hungry, not until I am stuffed, and I find I am satisfied with much smaller portions. I am down 22 lbs already and feel better than I have ever felt since turning 50!”

There’s Just One Condition

She insists her identity remains secret.


Because she’s worried her clients - many of whom paid thousands of dollars - will be furious if they discover you’re getting the exact same neurological gastric banding procedure for pennies on the dollar.

So, from now on I’ll refer to this master hypnotherapist as Miss. L and…

Here’s How Miss. L Is Going To Help You 
Finally Get The Slim, Slender, Sexy Body 
You Desire and Deserve...

  • … you’ll no longer feel hungry or low energy.
  • … you don’t have to fight off nagging cravings.
  • … those pesky starvation alerts simply cannot wreck your weight loss efforts.
  • … and you’ll eliminate emotional, binge eating.

Finally, Miss. L has taken her Gastric Banding Hypnotherapy Procedure and created an “at home” experience that precisely replicates an $800 session in her clinic.

Which means, you can have your virtual gastric band fitted today for a fraction of the cost.

So just imagine how it’ll feel when you…

  • ... quickly lose 5 or more inches from your waistline.
  • … effortlessly melt off 15, 20 even 30 lbs of unwanted fat.
  • … are showered with compliments over your new, slim figure.

“The Neuro-Slimmer System™”

A fully-guided Gastric Banding Hypnotherapy Program.

Just pop in your ear-buds and the program does ALL the work for you.

The fat just falls away over time without surgery… without huge expenses… and with absolutely no risk.

Best of all, The Neuro-Slimmer System™ is guaranteed to work for you even if:

  • You’d want to lose MORE than 30 pounds and finally get that slim, sexy figure, or…
  • You’ve lost weight in the past, only to have it ‘boomerang’ back onto your body, or…
  • You’ve always been overweight and struggle to lose anything, or…
  • You find it hard to know when your body is telling you to stop eating...

Well, that all ends now!

Because The Neuro-Slimmer System™ is scientifically-backed, 100% safe and proven to work... even if everything else you’ve tried has failed.

Inside The Neuro-Slimmer System™ you’ll get 5 powerful hypnotherapy sessions from a certified, master hypnotist who’s carried out countless hours of hypnotherapy.

Each session is specifically designed to “reprogram” a specific belief, behaviourbehavior or habit you have towards food, eating and your body.

But most importantly, you’ll be guided through your Gastric Banding Surgery which will instantly shrink your stomach, eliminate emotional eating, kill sugary cravings and trigger faster-than-ever fat loss.

Plus - inside The Neuro-Slimmer System™ you’ll also get two bonus guides to help accelerate your weight loss and maintain your healthy new body for years to come.

The first is called:

Your Neuro-Slimmer Listening Guide

Inside you’ll discover:
  • How to get the best results from your hypnotherapy.
  • How to best prepare for your Gastric Banding procedure.
  • A detailed walkthrough of each hypnosis session.
  • And much, much more.
The second book is titled: 
The Neuro-Slimmer Nutritional Guide

After your Gastric Banding Hypnotherapy you’ll notice you now crave healthy foods.

And, because many of my clients often find they’re overwhelmed by all the nutritional choices available, I’ve created this simple guide to cut through the confusion. Giving you total clarity on how to maintain a balanced, healthy lifestyle.

Inside, you’ll discover a healthy nutritious diet that can accelerate the results of your Gastric Band Hypnotherapy. 

Now, Here’s How to Lose As Much Fat
As You Want With
The Neuro-Slimmer System™

Find a nice, quiet place…

Pop in your earphones, sit back and let Miss. L, gently guide you into a deep, relaxed and peaceful state.

As you slip into this suggestible mindset, Miss. L will convince your brain that your body has been through Gastric Band Surgery.

And, instantly afterwards, you’ll notice some subtle changes kick-in… 
  • … you’ll feel fuller faster.
  • … your appetite will be diminished.
  • And although you’re eating less…
  • … you’ll feel full, content and totally satisfied
  • … you’ll enjoy boundless energy and you’ll no longer crave “cheat” foods.
Now, as the days pass by, I want you to keep a close-eye on the mirror as...

  • … Your stubborn “love handles” begin to disappear.
  • … Your stomach starts shrinking, flattening and tightening-up.
  • … Your face begins to “lean out” making you look younger, fitter and healthier.
And soon your family will be raving about how amazing you look.

Your friends clamoring for your secret...

… green with envy that you appear to be aging backwards.

You may even reignite the passion in your sex-life as your partner can’t keep his hands off your new, slimmer, sexier figure.

But listen: I don’t expect you to just take my word on this.

Because, let’s face facts - scientific studies, clinical trials and case studies are great, but only one thing really matters…

Will The Neuro-Slimmer System™ 
Work For YOU?

Well, you’ve already seen how it’s helping others burn away all their unwanted fat…

But instead of just telling you how powerful this method is, Miss. L and I wanted to go one step further.

So we’ve created a special opportunity to give you The Neuro-Slimmer System™... without risking one single cent.

So, here’s what we’ve organized for you…

Instead of investing $800 for Miss. L to take you through the Gastric Band Neuro-Slimmer method in her Ohio-based clinic.

For a limited-time only, you can get the exact same procedure… plus two bonus guides... 

That’s right. Instead of $800.00... your investment today is just $37.

In other words, you can get your Gastric Band procedure from a certified, master hypnotherapist - for less than a month’s gym membership... and... for less than the weight loss industry’s latest “magic” pill.

Plus - because we are so confident in this, you’re also protected with our ironclad money back guarantee.

And unlike other people who attempt to hide their money-back guarantees behind small print or ludicrous conditions, we do things differently. Our money-back guarantee is 100% transparent and easy-to-understand… 

You Must Lose Weight With
The Neuro-Slimmer System™ Or It’s FREE!

No questions asked. No strings attached.

Although this puts all the risk on our shoulders, we strongly believe you should only pay for something that actually works.

So, to take advantage of this special 94% discount offer…

Click the “Add to Cart” button now!

You'll be taken to our secure checkout-page which is encrypted with the latest 228-bit SSL technology for your total security.

On this page, enter your billing information then click the “Order Now” button.

After that, the Neuro-Slimmer bundle will be instantly delivered to your inbox.

Then, you could be watching pounds of fat vanish from your hips, thighs and stomach.

Just like S. White from California who lost 35 pounds…

Or, S. Keller who told me…

And, one of my favorite case studies is from F. Thomson in Scotland who not only lost 52 pounds of fat, but also saved $25,000 on Gastric Band Surgery… 

So, you really only have two choices now.

You can choose to reject the fat loss secrets revealed today…

… you can decline this unique opportunity to try The Neuro-Slimmer System™ risk-free.

… you can continue cringing at your reflection and avoiding the bathroom scales.

… you can struggle with your weight for years - trying every fad-diet, workout and magic pill.

Or, you can finally end your weight loss woes with Gastric Band Hypnotherapy.

All you have to do is click the button below this video now and... 

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